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Depuration of copper nitrate and chloride in the Indian brown mussel Perna indica ArchiMer
Kondajii, N; Menon, N.
It is understood that the rate of bioaccumulation and subsequent depuration of heavy metals in marine animals is influenced by the chemical state, as well as the kinetics of transformation between different species of chemical salts dissolved in water. The Indian Brown mussel, Perna indica, was exposed to copper nitrate and chloride, individually, to analyse the rate of accumulation, depuration, oxygen uptake and filtration rates. When supplied in very low quantities, environmentally realistic concentrations, the rate of accumulation of copper nitrate and chlorides showed variations. When the animals were transferred to sea water, these two salts did not show any clear cut differences in the depuration rate. Irrespective of the previous accumulation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Perna indica; Bivalvia; Chlorides; Copper; Mussel culture; Heavy metals; Marine pollution; Accumulation; Self purification.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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